Wik says Crème Brûlée is French for "burnt cream".... but, really.... it won't come to that if you pay attention .....
2 cups heavy cream (we used whipping cream)
1/2 vanilla bean, split
3 eggs (we used large)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tbsp. Sugar in the Raw (natural cane sugar)
Preheat oven to 250 F. In saucepan, heat heavy cream and vanilla bean (stir gently during heating) until just boiling.
Remove from heat, and remove bean from cream, scraping seeds back in. In medium bowl whisk together eggs and granulated sugar. Slowly ladle in 1 cup of hot cream while continuing to whisk, until sugar is dissolved. Slowly whisk in remaining cream.
Evenly divide mixture into six 6 oz. custard cups. Place cups in baking pan. Pour in enough hot water to come halfway up the sides of cups. Bake 1 hour 15 min., or until custard has set. Remove from baking pan. Let cool. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. Heat broiler. Sprinkle Sugar in the Raw over custard.

Sprinkle as much or as little sugar on top as you like. If you sprinkle all the way to the edges it eliminates any burned areas of custard. Broil 2" from heat until sugar melts and bubbles, being careful not to burn.

If you have a torch you could also flame the top to melt and brown the sugar.... use caution.
The guys wanted to do the manly thing and torch it for us... so out came the plumbers helper torch... however, on this day, it was not very helpful...they absolutely could not keep it lit. Too funny... maybe it was almost empty or something, because this particular torch has seen plenty of service and has never been a problem to light.
We finally had to resort to the broiler of the oven.....

Heat the broiler before putting under ... that way you don't have to leave it very long and it should just melt and get brown and bubble without burning or cooking the custard anymore.
This was my first attempt at this dessert and quite honestly?? Thanks to Maria... it was fun and easy to make; a delicate treat of wonderful flavour. You will definitely impress family and friends .....
Kiss, kiss!
Sandra Evertson
I love creme brulee. I have a scad of vanilla beans. How can I resist?
so yummmmmy!! laurie
You know, I would probably try this but unfortunately I am a fan of Hell's Kitchen and Nightmare Kitchens and if I had a dollar for every a** that Chef Ramsey ripped open for a bad Creme Brule'...
I MAY have tried this...but I'm still shivering for that poor British boy in South Wales...poor kid...
I think I shall have a go at these creme brulees. I have a torch which I use for killing weeds out in the garden. I guess that would do to scorch the top! x
Ok,where do I get raw sugar.I've never seen that before.Got to try this..YUM..YUM..Marie Antionette
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