Well.... according to this guy I have been totally sucked in .... by false advertising. It is just another Teflon pan.... sigh......
I was going on about it exactly as they hoped I would... and looking like a fool I suppose. Oh, well, live and learn.... so far I have no scratches because I do use plastic or wood utensils with all my pots and pans anyway. And..it is in perfect condition... and I do love the way it cooks a perfect egg for Mr. BumbleVee...... another big SIGH................. but... if a somewhat cheaper, nice Teflon is your choice.... go for it. Otherwise, use some oil and fry things up in Stainless or cast iron.....
Here is my original gushing about my fancy pan.................if you can believe this guy..don't believe me. But. who to believe anymore at all seems to be the big question....
Finally~~~~~~ a pan that is everything they say it is and more!! (apparently ...not so)
One thing that irks me is false advertising. (So, now I am really pissed) If I had found this pan more than a few weeks ago, I never would have splurged on my fancy stainless steel pans last year. I would have bought several sizes and types of this instead. But, I didn't ... so, the next best thing is to tell others about it. It may not stop you from buying fancy stainless either...but...it may stop you from spending money every year or two on a new non-stick pan. You know how quickly they wear out. How soon they become scratched and rough...even with careful use.... plastic spatulas..etc.... we know it is not safe to use them when it happens..but most of us continue to do so.
So.... this is the answer. A true non stick pan that is not Teflon coated... but, instead, is made from diamond crystals. Diamonds are naturally non-porous and apparently have intrinsic non-stick properties. They say you can even use metal utensils...but I won't do that to my lovely pan...just in case.....
I went back to the store 3 times.. pored over the material several times.... was still doubtful.... but, finally, spent the $135 and bought my pan. It seems a bit expensive...but think about it. As many pans as I have already been through .... as many more as I will have to buy in the coming years.... this is a bargain. We don't eat out. I like to cook and I do cook... every day. I use my pans a lot. I want durable and long lasting.... Swiss Diamond carries a lifetime warranty against cracking,blistering or peeling. It claims "a cooking surface with unequaled non-stick release and effortless clean up that lasts for a lifetime." Alright.
I LOVE this pan!! It is all they claim. It is more than I expected. I still can't believe that I can make a perfect easy over egg with absolutely no butter.... yep... it does that. I tried it just to see if it worked .... ... although, for a superb tasting egg, let's face it... a teensy bit of butter is a must. But, if you are trying to cut back on fats?... this is the pan for you. With lovely stainless?... use plenty of oil and low heat and basically say a prayer for "slightly less sticking". Today I browned totally lean turkey meatballs... with no oil at all. They browned beautifully... nothing stuck to the pan! Who can believe that? I was dancing around the kitchen congratulating myself on finding this amazing pan. It left some nice brown bits too (for use as a bit of gravy) when I turned them...but absolutely nothing stuck.... how is it possible to finally get nicely brown without sticking?.... I am stunned every time I use this pan.
After the first few times I used it I went back to the store to tell them how ecstatic I was with my purchase. They said.... "told ya" ..... they had already related to me that they had had their own for several years...and loved them. Of course, I was skeptical... after all they are in business to make money.

A treat for anybody who cooks. It works... cleans up like a dream... is everything you could possibly want for a non-stick pan. I wish they would send me one for all this advertising...haahhahahha.... there are lots of different shapes and sizes... so far...I only have one. Not for long.
(((Swiss Diamond, I have changed my mind..... don't send me anything that is just a bunch of false advertising and marketing hype.... and....thanks for an expensive nothing.)) I'll be going back to the store with a copy of the information and showing it to them for sure......
Thank you for stopping by to visit my blog. This pan sounds great! I am always spending $30 or more on non stick pans only to have to replace them after a short time. I am going to look for these.
WOW! That's abowt £70! An Mummy is erming an ahhing abowt buyin wun that is £25! The wun she wants has a speshly shaypet handol for peepol wiv bad rists. She haz arthur-eye-tis so she wants wun.
I like the Bear tea party at the top!!!
What a great recommendation. I haven't seen this pan but I'll be looking for it now. The biggest pet peeve I have with my pans (Calphalon One) is that they all must be hand washed.
oooh! I like how this looks!
I don't know Bumblevee...I just don't know...
Should I be jealous that you have such an awesome pan (albeit for $135 - my wife would kill me!) or should I be upset that you didn't give us a link to drool over?
That is a super cool pan - do you intend on getting more?
Thanks for calling in on my blog.
Now..I can't decide what the outcome of this post is. Are you saying the fancy $135 pan is good or bad? The last paragraph has me puzzled.
I love all your recipes....oh dear...
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